

AI & Robotics

AI & Robotics

Use our Foton VR lab setup to unlock endless teaching possibilities. Provide a fully-equipped immersive learning environment to empower educators and learners alike. Exceptional hardware, cutting-edge software, and captivating material are all part of our all-inclusive package, which creates a vibrant learning atmosphere. Turn lectures into interactive journeys where students' curiosity is unrestricted. Boost the innovative education program at your school by offering a doorway to a future in which virtual reality technology allows learning to cross boundaries.

  • Managed and monitored by teacher device

    With our VR lab setup, maintain control over the virtual learning experience. With the help of a specialized gadget, teachers may easily manage and keep an eye on students' experiences. Boost student participation in the classroom and make sure that a safe, supervised virtual reality experience takes place.

  • Cloud based solution and run offline

    With our VR lab solution, which is cloud-based for smooth access and offline operation, you may experience flexibility in your study. Savor the liberty to investigate virtual realms at any time, anyplace. Encourage education that knows no bounds.

  • Syllabus aligned with regional language

    We offer a syllabus that is in line with regional languages, and our VR lab can enhance learning experiences." We close the gap by increasing accessibility to education, enabling students to engage with immersive material in their native tongue and promoting a deeper level of comprehension and engagement.